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Name: Cape Cod Beer
Location: Hyannis, MA. In Barnstable County. Right next to Centerville. Ahem, it’s in Cape Cod.
History: I had a great time stopping by with my daughter on Saturday and learning a bit about the brewery from Amy, who was great. Cape Cod Beer is no stranger to the game, celebrating their thirteenth anniversary in 2017 and looking to expand. This is a laid-back spot with friendly people, stacks of board games, and a foosball table. And I happen to really like foosball.
Recommended Brews: You can find the Cape Cod Red and Blonde in abundance up and down the Cape, and either make a solid partner to your fried shrimp plate. I mean, who doesn’t like a Blonde?
In the off season they have additional vat space (which makes sense, since the area relies heavily on summer tourism and has a little more maneuverability in the winter), and that means they get to experiment with a wide range of different beers. I tried a flight of seasonal brews and both the Coffee Oatmeal Stout and the Bitter End IPA really stood out. The Coffee Stout is brewed with a local roast, and the Bitter End, true to its name, brings a good old-fashioned IPA bite of bitterness to the end of your drink.
While you're in the area: I could write an entire novella about the various things you can do while you’re on the Cape, and I’d still do it little justice. The good news is that if you want to make your visit a partial brewery tour, you can!
Nearby Dennis is home to Devil's Purse Brewing. Another fifteen minutes from there and you’ll find yourself in Orleans, home to the Cape’s outermost brewery, Hog Island Beer. The Cape is a wonderful, otherworldly place with rich history and no shortage of things to do and see. Restaurants, state parks, and beaches abound.
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